Sunday, January 23, 2011

Henry Chalfant <- The most important whiteboy in hip hop.

Henry was there from the begining for the most part. He was documenting before old school nigga's, who some people consider pioneers were doing hip hop. 

Books and movies ( Style Wars- the whole film-> ) he has been a part of have been the seeds that were planted for the worlds first in depth look at hip hop art and culture. I n 1984 Henry was co-author with another photographer, Martha Cooper on the book Subway Art. As a kid my first glance at this book had me addicted. I immediately started saving every penny I could till I had enough to get it. When I saw photographs of the authors I remember distinctly feeling like okay, wow... Adults who are not only supportive of the epidemy of what they weren't supposed to be supportive of but they were doing something with it.- Giving it that push that brought to the far corners of the world. Spreading hip hop culture.    ->......

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